Things to do in Palm Springs California
Palm Springs is known to be a prosperous recreational resort place situated in California, USA. Since the first hotel was built here in 1886, the whole place became a popular winter resort.
The popularity of Palm Springs is growing every year. Holiday makers come here all year round to enjoy time living in nature-surrounded environment. Top-rated hotels open their doors for tourists. The most gorgeous of them are Marriott and Givenchy – a lot of famous people choose to have their accommodations here.
The prime of the city’s efflorescence was during 50-60-ies. It was a place of gathering of Hollywood stars, politicians, sportsmen and other famous people. It is remarkable that Marilyn Monroe started her scenic career in this resort. Elvis and Priscilla Presley preferred to spend their honeymoon here. Moreover, practically all US Presidents resided here during their vacation time.
Several decades ago Palm Springs was known as a place of “old VIPs”, but nowadays mainly young people come here for having rest, communication and fun.
Palm Springs is famous for its sports facilities. There are more that 120 golf fields here – it is an acknowledged world capital city of golf! Moreover, tourists are offered to play lawn tennis choosing any of hundreds of tennis courts or swim in pools. Families with kids are offered pool attractions.
Palm-Canyon and Indian-Canyon – two main trading streets of the city’s center – are full of luxurious boutiques and art galleries. In the heart of the trading zone there is Village Green Heritage Center – several historical buildings including museums. The most interesting Palm Springs Museums are: Air Museum (demonstrating a collection of air crafts that were used during the WWII); Cabot’s Old Indian Pueblo Museum (representing American Indian arts); Children Discovery Museum of Desert (a world to explore for kids with a lot of adventures); General George Patton Memorial Museum (dedicated to the life of this genius US Commander) and a lot of other historical and cultural places that might be interesting both for adults and children.
One of the most preferred places of tourists’ pilgrimage is the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway – it is delivering tourists to Mountain station in the “Wild Nature” national park situated near San Jacinto mountain. Here one can find wonderful places for hikers and campers.
The city of Palm Springs is embodiment of the American Dream – a real oasis for tourists all ages.
We have further information on the beautiful city of Palm Springs:
Palms Springs Vacation Rentals